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Pyari´s book


published by

Osho Mani Productions

may be ordered here.

as e-book

335 pages and 80 photos

The CD "Jump Out"

Pyari´s music,

may be ordered here too

as well as the 2CDs with the

"The Watcher"

(dancing Meditation

from Pyari)

The Osho Mani center for arts and meditation will "work" together with the Osho Sukul - an old companion -

and which is located just by the Copacabana beach,

during march and april.


And the Osho Mani offers overnights just around the corner from the Sukul and the beach - with sea view!


There will be daily Yoga, early morning on the beach, Osho Meditations every day and in the evenings, Musik Group, sometimes at the beach too.

And, on saturdays, evening dancing.


Besides this, Pyari offers a Tantra evening at the Sukul.


On sundays there is Evening Satsang -White Robe - at the Sukul and they offer a Meditation camp in april.


And in Copacabana there is always parties everywhere!


Limited space, so, book quickly!

You can book as many days you wish! Also just one!


Prices are:


USD 50,00 per day


For couples: 130,00


With breakfast:

USD 70,00


For couples: 170,00


Full pension:

USD 120,00


For couples: 270,00


The prices include daily Yoga on the beach, Osho medi, Musik group and saturday dancings.


And, of course, overnights and meals, according to the chosen options.

Meals may be ordered separately, too.


Activities at the Sukul are extra:



Ma Deva Pyari is a multi-dimensional artist!

She writes, paints, composes, sings and plays guitar! Besides this, in 1986, Pyari received, from the spiritual Master Osho, the name for the Osho Mani center for arts & Meditation, which she directs, together with Swami Anand Avinash, and which, besides teaching Meditation, promotes mystical creativity through dance and theater performances, the band "Pyari and the Colorful Condoms" Shows, Vernissages, and workshops on Tantra, on Pyari`s astrological body-work - Corpoterapia© -, on Shiatsu massage and macrobiotic

Pyari has studied Pedagogy und English. And she is bachelor in Communication Sciences.

Deva Pyari has given natural birth to two children in nature, is Osho's sannyasin since 1980, has travelled a lot, lived in many communes and cities around the world – and since 2003, still with Avinash, in a forest, 30 km south of Hamburg, in a place called Rosegarden.

For a complete and interesting autobiography click here

Facebook: madevapyari


for the updated english site, click here



The Magic of Tantra

with Ma Deva Pyari


Ma Deva Pyari completed 35 years on the 9th of february, which means, more than three decades on the path of LOVE - inspired by Osho!


She thanks all of them who have shared this travelling with her and all who have

given her the possibility to inspire them also for this path!


On top, Avinash and her have completed, on the last 12th, 30 years since they had - because of visas and passports - to marry! But love has won!!! They still live, laugh

and produce creative meditative events together, around the world!!!


And to celebrate these two dates they offer again one of those nights full of awe,

music and laughter!


On Mai 21, 8PM


In Sommernachtstraum (sommer night dream) spiritual bookstore

Lange Reihe 93

220099 Hamburg

Tel. 040. 243108

booking is requested



Tantra is a system of techniques designed to enable us to recognize the light, the freedom and the love which in most of us are still SNORING, without ever becoming a realized reality!


And Tantra accepts the body, the world - and human love - as part of the search for the truth of life and death.


Hence, the three important issues of Tantra - according to the spiritual Master whom we call Osho - are:


* unblocking the body

* awakenning the senses

* putting the mind aside


Thus, iin this event, in order to explore these issues, Pyari will first read some 15 minutes from "her" book "Sex, ecstasy and transcendence", which describes different tecniques for three different levels:

for the body- mind, for the heart and for the Buddha in us.


And also tells, in funny interesting stories - sometimes a bit dramatic too - about the time she has spent with the 7 lovers with whom she has experienced tantric sex for a longer time, pointing to the fact that if one lives intesely, nevertheless conscious and accepting whatever comes, one definitely ends in transcending it all!


Then, after 15 minutes of questions and answers, we will "have" the possibility, through a variety of short tecniques, to experience the inner space, but, certainly, learning how not to exclude the others, the outer space and the world around us. On the contrary, we will be able to experience how to dissolve in the whole of Existence!


On top, Pyari and Avinash will provide live music during the exercises.


The participants will therefore be seduced into an sphere of awe, moreover to a thoughtless space, which facilitates easiness and freedom from problems.

And will learn tecniques which enable us to come inside to rest, to refuel from the stress of the world, and which, ultimately, may reveal the Buddha in us!


Furthermore, through these exercises, we will be able to recognize the world as a stage, where we perform "our" lives .... as the "Leela" (play) of the Universe, which, ultimately, performs through us!!!


Pyari`s new book

Sex, Tantra and


published by

Ullstein/ Allegria Verlag

in Germany

in Autumn 2012

may be ordered here

as well as